Online Enrolments
Allow students to sign up for individual and group classes
Online Enrolments
Allow students to sign up for individual and group classes
Looking for a way to implement online enrolments on your website in a versatile, robust and professional manner?
Our Online Enrolment Product allows administrators and teachers to quickly, and easily set up any number of venues, students, classes and timetables. The venues section allows you to quickly add, remove or edit venues selected from a filterable, search-able, sortable list of all the locations available for enrolment. Students, classes and timetables allow administrators or teachers similar functionality with each of these sections.
Once the locations, classes and timetables have been added, potential students are then able to fill in an enrolment form including selecting a venue, class, and time they wish to enrol for. Once enrolled, students are then able to log in and view their attendance roll. Similarly Administrators and teachers are able to log in and update or edit student attendance records and timeslots.
This system has practical uses for schools, fitness or yoga instructors, music teachers, businesses and not for profit organisations alike.
Our Online Enrolment product provides students, teachers and administrators with a quick, easy to use, professional, robust and flexible system for organising, managing and viewing class enrolments online.